We have started IEEE student branch (62921) on 5th March 2004. It was inaugurated by Mr. Suresh. C. Pal, IEEE, Madras section chairman.
IEEE branch of our college has 40 members and 5 staff members. On behalf of IEEE we conducted an Industrial visit to ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram on 24th March. We viewed Rocket lauching there.
We are also conducting career development Programme for our students. Plans are afoot for organizing more such programs in near future. It is laudatory that this branch of study and the department in our institution have been adjudged as an excellent branch in Tamilnadu State and has been recommended by section chairman to the USA.
In 2005 the IEEE Activities started on 2nd April 2005, IEEE was inaugurated by Dr. M.Madheswaran, HOD & IEEE student Branch counselor, PSNA college of Engg & Tech., Dindigul. IEEE branch of our college has 52 members and 2 staff members at current year.
We have created different committees like Web Committee, Planning Committee, Execution Committee in order to conduct the Programmes efficiently. The programmes in the offering are:
◊ Paper Presentation.
◊Technical Quiz.
◊ Seminar.
◊Industrial Visit.
◊ Personality Development Programme.
The activities of ISTE(IM1310) is to develop the technical knowledge as well as improve the curriculum of the staff members of our college by introducing technical visits making seminars on the latest trends through the faculty from the various industries on the Intuitions.
The activities of ISTE is to develop the technical knowledge as well as improve the curriculum of the staff members of our college by introducing technical visits holding seminars on the latest trends by taping the expertise and knowledge of expert and skilled persons from various industries.
"Promote interchange of information, in these disciplines and subdisciplines, amongst the specialists and between specialists and the public."
Encourage and assist the professionals engaged in these fields to maintain the integrity and competence of the profession; and foster a sense of partnership amongst the professionals engaged in these fields. Means to these ends are holding of meetings for the reading and discussing of professional papers, the publications and circulation of works of literature, science and art pertaining to all other activities necessary; suitable and proper for the fulfillment of these objectives.
The CSI chapter was inaugurated on 24th September 2006 with the esteemed presence of Mr.S.Prashanth, Director, Quadra Systems, Cbe. He enlightened the function with his glorious enthusiastic speech for our young budding engineers and for our estimable faculty.