Welcome to the webpage of the Office of Alumni Affairs, SSCET. The OAA (Office of Alumni Affairs) serves a variety of causes involving the alumni of SSCET, Palani.

Here is the OAA mission statement:

Serve as outward-facing window from the Institute to the Alumni:

• act as primary interface from Institute to alumni-at-large
• authorize alumni access to campus facilities
• administer Distinguished Alumnnus Award program

Drive Institute-related fund-raising activities among alumni:

• devise fund-raising strategy
• coordinate fund-raising activities
• ensure timely deployment of funds
• report to Institute and back to donor regarding status of funded projects

Register graduating students into the alumni database:

• enroll students into the database
• provide permanent alumni e-mail ID
• maintain and grow database
• provide database access on as-needed basis

Serve the student community:

• administer scholarships and awards
• solicit alumni funds towards facilities, projects, etc.
• facilitate student mentoring by alumni

Serve the faculty community:

• promote interactions between faculty and alumni
• promote campus and department visits by alumni
• promote research & consultancy relationships between faculty & alumni

Serve the alumni community:

• support networking activities and events, such as reunions
• support alumni communications, such as monthly newsletter
• support alumni registration in database
• work closely with SSCET Alumni Chapters on alumni-related matters
• support Pan SSCET activities (e.g., Club) and events (e.g. Annual Meets)

Alumni Photos
Alumni18 (1)
Alumni18 (2)
Alumni18 (3)
Alumni18 (4)
Alumni18 (5)
Alumni18 (6)
Alumni18 (7)
Alumni18 (8)

For Further Details, Please contact:
Alumni In-charge
Mr. B. Suthakar, Department of English,
Mr. M.K Akhil (EEE) 7012399194
Mr. V.VISHNU PRASAD (ECE) - 99420 52481

Alumni Registration Form